Completed - Meet us at the Maritime Week Africa 2024 in Cape Town, January 23-25, 2024

Conferences Jan. 05, 2024
Completed - Meet us at the Maritime Week Africa 2024 in Cape Town, January 23-25, 2024

We are attending Maritime Week Africa 2024 as Diamond Sponsors

Meet Jon Hughes, James Shiller, Pierre Henn, Bez Ramini, and Jonathan Marshall who are happy to tell you more about how we can support your business with our Fuel Solutions.

✔ Alternative Fuels
✔ Integrated Marine Solutions
✔ Fuel Delivery
Maritime Week Africa is the longest-running and most popular bunkering event on the African continent. 

Dates: January 23-25, 2024
Location: The Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town


James Shiller, Global Lead of New Fuels, Dan-Bunkering Cape Town, is participating as a speaker about Carbon Trading at Maritime Week Africa 2024 - Cape Town.

Thursday 25 January, 11:00 – 13:00
Session 6 - Regulation & Alternative Fuels

This session will consider the implications of environmental regulation before taking a close look at the production, supply, availability, and existing and future demand for ‘new’ fuels in Africa.


We are Diamond Sponsors:
Thursday 25 January, 19:00 – 23:00
Evening Reception
Royal Cape Yacht Club 

Please reach out to us to schedule a meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

Explore all types of alternative fuels


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Biofuel is the term used to describe fuel, gas or liquid which derives from biomass or biomass residues. The two most promising fuels for maritime use are fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).

Methanol fuel

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Methanol fuel has close to zero emissions and holds great potential – especially for smaller vessels as it requires very low energy content to operate.


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Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a natural gas produced from primarily cooled down methane. The fuel has been available since the 1950s and is used by more than 200 vessels, predominantly LNG-carriers.

Hydrogen fuel

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Hydrogen fuel is a promising fuel for transportation and is considered a clean fuel, emitting water only. The fuel can be produced from various energy sources, such as electrolysis of renewables, or by reforming natural gas.

Synthetic fuel

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Synthetic fuel is a chemical and artificially produced fuel that shares the same attributes and use as a fossil-based fuel.


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Liquefied petroleum gas is a natural by-product of raw oil which is safe, flexible, and more environmentally friendly than traditional fuels.

Ammonia fuel

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Ammonia fuel is intended for longer transportation and is another alternative fuel with close to zero CO2 emissions.

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Learn more about Integrated Marine Solutions

Agile Fuel Pricing

A Fixed Price Agreement (FPA) is a contract which gives you the opportunity to know your exact fuel costs regardless of the volatile bunker oil prices. This way you can focus on your core business and avoid unpleasant financial surprises.

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Fuel Financing

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Improve your cashflow. We are able to structure the payment schedules around the same milestone completions as set by the project owners, ensuring cashflow neutrality on the fuel supplies.

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Logistics & Operations

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Having an integrated supply solution, backed by a team of specialists, ensures that you limit the risk of delays and operational issues. We streamline the supplies and add the necessary flexibility to adjust according to your dynamic schedules.

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CO2 Reduction & Alternative Fuels

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We can assist you in achieving a firm, green agenda on large scale projects. As a supplier of biofuel, we offer the knowledge and know-how to all our clients. Contact us for consulting and supply of biofuels.

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Digital & Technical

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Prepare for the future. CO2-reporting is necessary by 2023 in the industry and at Dan-Bunkering we are ready to help you. Please reach out to us for more information.

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