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Navigating the EU ETS

Navigating the complex waters of the maritime industry is about to become even more challenging.

EU ETS – Not Just Another Regulation


As of January 2024, the European Union's Emission Trading System (EU ETS) will become mandatory, bringing along a wave of new requirements and regulations that will significantly impact shipowners and operators worldwide. But you're not alone on this journey.

The EU ETS is more than just another regulation – it's a fundamental shift in how we approach sustainability in the maritime industry. It's about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting cleaner technologies, and ultimately, safeguarding our planet for future generations. 

Attention Shipowners!


GT - transporting cargo or passengers. These will be subject to the EU ETS from 2024.


GT and offshore ships. These will be affected by MRV and ETS from 2025.

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EU Emission Allowances

EU Allowances (EUAs) represent a form of carbon permission granted to companies participating in the EU ETS, permitting them to release a specific quantity of CO2 emissions. These EUAs can be traded in the marketplace, and their fluctuating market value mirrors the expense associated with emission reduction.


Navigating EU Allowances Procurement

What are the most important factors to consider when it comes to purchasing EU Allowances?  
Check out this short clip from our latest webinar, where Hans Dollerup shows different scenarios and strategies that owners have to take into consideration when purchasing EU Allowances.  
Discover how our fuel suppliers can help you navigate the complicated field of EU ETS and its impact on your business. 



Q&As from our webinars

A vessel going from Georgia (Black Sea) to West Africa, is it considered under EU ETS if the vessel take bunker at a EU port?

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Bunkering is not considered as a port call.

What is the name of the document that contains the registry information for companies?

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This document is called EU ETS - Registry Guidance and it is available to download. 

Download the Registry Guidance

How will a voyage from UK to EU be calculated? Presumably at 50 pct to EU (EUA), but will UK collect the other 50 pct under their UK ETS scheme?

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Good question. Brexit did complicate things a bit.

Meanwhile, for now UK is considered a non-EU country and thereby count 50%. For now the national UK ETS scheme only applies to domestic shipping.

If the location is less than 300 nautical miles away, I believe it will still count as EU. (E.g Gibraltar)?

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Only if the port has more than 65% of activities in the container segment.

Should one consider looking into alterntive fuels in order to minimize the ETS costs?

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It should be considered! Of course, the business case depends on the trade, type of vessel, vessel age and not least price difference between fossil and alternative fuels. ETS is not the only EU regulation around the corner. FuelEU Maritime will from 2025 require you to lower the GHG intensity in your fuel. Biofuel for instance is a "plug 'n play" compliance solution.

Reach out to our New Fuels team and learn more

We are a ship owning entity and I expect one of our ships to call EU ports – What should be plan of action now in registering for EUA? Would it be possible to state step by step process?

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We assume you're based outside the EU.   In the case of a shipping company registered in an EU Member State, it will be the EU Member State in which the shipping company is registered;   In the case of a shipping company that is not registered in an EU Member State, it will be the EU Member State with the greatest estimated number of port calls from voyages performed by that shipping company in the last four monitoring years;   In the case of a shipping company that is not registered in an EU Member State and that did not carry out any voyage falling within the scope of the EU ETS Directive in the preceding four monitoring years, the administering authority will be the EU Member State where a ship of the shipping company has arrived or started its first voyage falling within the scope of the EU ETS Directive. The concrete action also depends on whether you as the owner also is the technical management or if that is delegated to a third party (ship manager).

How to purchase EU Allowances

How a non-EU DOC holder can open a Trading account in EU? what are detail requirements?

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The process for opening a trading account is online and open to non-EU citizens, subject to conditions spelt out by each EU Member State (through their National Administrator). Users must first open an account in the Union Registry to be able to trade EU allowances.

Each Member State has individual requirements. So, in short, it needs to be checked with the administrating authority in the Member State in question.

Each Member State has individual requirements. So, in short, it needs to be checked with the administrating authority in the Member State in question.

Download the Registry Guidance

Is this only fuel consumption for vessel passing through EU? Does it also apply to international company that is passing by EU? or consumption for EU registered company sailing globally?

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The ETS regulation is flag neutral meaning that it applies to all vessels regardless of the flag they fly. Meanwhile the geographic scope is as follows: 100% of all voyages intra EU and 50% of in and outbound voyages to third countries.

What if I discharge 90% of my cargo outside of EU (within 300nm of EU) then remaining 10% inside EU. What amount is applicable?

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It has nothing to do with how much cargo you transport, load or discharge. If you discharge in a port in a non-EU country that fulfills the requirements (300 NM and at least 65 % of container activity) then it will not count as a port call.

If we do an STS in EU waters but OPL a port, are we liable?

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As of now STS operations are exempted ie. it will not count as a port call and thereby not be covered by ETS. The EU Commission will monitor this and its case in turns that this is used as a loophole ´resulting in major evasion, then the regulation is likely to be changed.

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