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Multiple bunkering options on your route?

Don't miss out on business due to lack of flexibility. Being able to change your bunkering port en route, opens the window of opportunities for your voyage.

Get in touch

Welcome to Port Optionality

In today's dynamic market, securing favorable voyage results and safeguarding the bottom line is crucial. That's why we offer a comprehensive solution tailored to address the challenges faced by decision makers worldwide.


Our Port Optionality is designed to tackle the inherent volatility of oil prices, while keeping commercial and operational flexibility. You know the price in each requested port, but where the final bunkering will happen remains to be your choice.


With our solutions, you'll unlock the potential for full fleet utilisation, maximising transshipment days and capitalising on every opportunity for profitability.


Get in touch: Call our Global Pricing Manager at +45 6421 5407.

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Why choose Port Optionality?

Our solution gives your fleet flexibility, enabling swift adaptation to evolving demands. Let us assist you in mitigating price risks, allowing you to concentrate on advancing your core business objectives.

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Discover the advantages awaiting you with our services

- Secure your budgets results

- Maintain flexibility: Retain the freedom to change your bunkering port choice, even with a fixed price

- Remove the variable factor of bunker price in your charter party agreement

- Increases the possibility of full fleet utilization

Discover how we can help you

While multiple unforeseeable factors heavily influence fuel market prices, our Port Optionality will help you reach your voyage results while leaving room for operational flexibility and commercial opportunities. 

Watch our video where we show you how Port Optionality can help you.  


Explore our initiatives for Agile Pricing and Financing

Fixed Forward Pricing (FFP)

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An FFP is a fixed price for bunker fuel to be delivered in the future. It includes hedging as a risk management strategy, which helps balance out market volatility and mitigates the risk of unpleasant financial surprises 

Fixed Price Agreement (FPA)

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An FPA is a contract that allows you to set and manage your exact fuel costs, regardless of how the oil market will develop. By locking in a set price for your fuel supply, an FPA can help your business plan ahead and maintain predictable expenses, making it an exceptionally effective cost-control solution.  

Tailored price setting

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We offer a selection of pricing opportunities that enables you to tailor solutions and price settings to your individual requirements.

Agile financing for oil, gas and renewables

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We provide agile financing to the offshore segment that is designed to reduce risks, eliminate exposure to volatile commodities, and secure earnings and milestone payments. By adapting to the lifecycle of offshore projects, we can offer payment plans that correspond to their specific needs.

Port optionality

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Our port optionality solution provides you with a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to include a selection of possible bunkering ports in your fixture. That way, you get to fix your bunkers without knowing your exact port of destination. You will only have to decide where your bunkering should take place when getting closer to the actual delivery date. 

Bunker On Redelivery (BOR)

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Our BOR solution offers you the opportunity to eliminate a bunker pricing mismatch on redelivery of a vessel. For operational reasons bunkers are typically stemmed prior to settling the redelivery, creating market exposure. This tool allows us to price the bunkers after delivery, matching the required pricing date. 

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